The Story of Us

Neither of us clearly remembers the first time we met. Our best guess is that it was sometime in 2006, when Anna became friends with Evan’s mom and began to spend time with Evan’s family. Their conversations were very polite, and mostly about Mad Men. No one would have predicted what was to come…

Several years later, Anna was sharing an apartment with Evan’s brother Seth, and a series of (mostly) loveable strangers. 
When one of the loveable strangers moved out, they asked Evan to move in and he agreed. 

One night, Anna had an amazing dream in which she and Evan were sitting side by side in lawn chairs, holding hands. She felt euphoric, and had a sense of peace like never before. She knew that Evan was the guy for her. Meanwhile, in real life, Evan was having similar feelings for Anna. They talked about it, and decided to be together. 

In the fall of 2011, Evan asked Anna to marry him. 

Surprise! She said yes!